
Mini Facelifts 101: Everything You Need to Know About This Procedure

Mini facelifts have become an increasingly popular choice for facial rejuvenation. This less invasive alternative to a traditional facelift can provide significant improvements for certain patients while minimizing recovery time.

At South Bay Aesthetics Plastic Surgery, we offer both mini facelifts and traditional facelifts for our patients in Torrance, CA. Each type of procedure has its place in cosmetic surgery and can serve to address different types of concerns. If you are interested in a less invasive facelift, we will help you learn everything you need to know about this procedure and develop a treatment plan that works for you.

What Is a Mini Facelift and How Is It Different From a Traditional Facelift? 

A mini facelift is a surgical procedure that is designed to address signs of aging in the lower third of the face, particularly around the jawline and upper portion of the neck. This type of facelift is often called a short scar facelift or an S-lift for the smaller S-shaped scar that is used to help lift the tissues in this area.

Unlike a traditional facelift, which treats the entire face and involves a more extensive surgery, a mini facelift focuses on smaller areas, is less invasive, and produces more subtle results. This surgery can address mild sagging, some loose skin, and concerns about preliminary signs of aging. 

Who Is the Ideal Candidate for a Mini Facelift? 

The ideal candidate for a mini facelift procedure is typically a younger patient who is just beginning to see sagging or wrinkling on the lower half of the face and neck. This could be patients in their late 40s or early 50s who still have good skin elasticity. Patients who are seeking this type of surgery should also be in good general health since this can influence surgery outcomes and recovery. 

The Mini Facelift Procedure Explained

The mini lift begins with the administration of anesthesia and sedation to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. This will be determined by you, your surgeon, and your anesthesiologist and may include local anesthetic with sedation or general anesthesia.

Once the area is numb, we will make small incisions around the front of your ears, which will give us access to underlying tissues. We will lift and tighten the area by addressing underlying muscles and removing excess tissue. The final step of an S-lift procedure is redraping the skin over your new contours and closing the incisions with sutures. This short lift can usually be completed in two or three hours.

Recovery and Downtime From the Mini Facelift

Because of the smaller scope of the surgery, recovery is often faster with a mini facelift. Most patients can return to normal activities within a week or two after the surgery. However, you will want to avoid strenuous exercises to allow your incisions and underlying tissues to heal properly. We generally advise you to keep your head elevated for a period of time to minimize swelling and aid in a swift recovery. 

Choosing the Right Surgeon and Surgery Center for Your Mini Facelift

Much of the success and results of your quick facelift depend on the skill and experience of your surgeon. You should always choose a board-certified surgeon who specializes in facial plastic surgery. Dr. Christopher Verbin at our surgery center is board certified and has been practicing medicine in California for more than 30 years. His skill in facial plastic surgery is combined with an artistic eye that recognizes the beauty in the human face and body and can replicate it. All of our surgeries are performed in a facility that is fully accredited by the AAAASF. 

FAQs About Mini Facelifts

Will I Need to Have Another Mini Facelift in the Future? 

Because of increasing skin laxity as part of the normal aging process, the results of a mini facelift are not permanent. However, the effects of your mini facelift procedure can last for many years, ranging from five to 10 depending on your genetics, lifestyle, and skincare regimen. Some patients choose to have a traditional facelift later or choose non-invasive treatments to maintain results. 

Can a Mini Facelift Be Combined With Other Procedures? 

Short scar facelifts are often combined with other cosmetic procedures to achieve more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. This can include laser skin resurfacing, dermal fillers, neuromodulators, and more. You will need a consultation to discuss which treatments may be right for you. 

How Can I Maintain the Results of My Mini Facelift? 

Maintaining the results of your mini lift can involve a combination of healthy lifestyle factors and a good skincare regimen. You should plan to treat your body with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Also, drink plenty of water and avoid smoking. Sun protection is also crucial as excessive sun exposure is one of the most common causes of accelerated aging in the skin.

Your skincare regimen should include quality products that hydrate, nourish, cleanse, and exfoliate your skin. We can help you choose the right products and treatments that are best for helping you maintain your youthful and lifted appearance. 

Lift and Smooth Your Face With a Less Invasive Facelift

If you want to rejuvenate your appearance and minimize the time you spend in recovery, you can contact us to learn more about our mini facelift procedures at South Bay Aesthetics Plastic Surgery in Torrance, CA. We are a trusted provider in the area, and we perform many quick facelifts each year. Call us at (310) 539-6500 or contact us through our website. 

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