
Breast Lift Torrance, CA

Whether from gravity, weight gain, or weight loss, over time you may have experienced a sagging, deflated looking change in your breasts. Sagging of the breasts can create an unattractive appearance that a woman may be self-conscious about both in clothes and while nude. A breast lift is a procedure that reshapes and contours the skin and tissue of the breast.

The breasts can take on a new appearance over time, as pregnancy, breastfeeding and the natural aging process start to take their toll. Your once perky breasts may begin to droop and sag, giving a much older look to your figure than you desire. If you have started to feel self-conscious about your appearance or think twice before wearing specific articles of clothing because of the changes to your breasts, plastic surgery might be the solution for you.

Dr. Christopher Verbin can discuss your options with you, which may include a breast lift to restore the breasts to their more youthful position and projection on the chest wall for many years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Each year, breast lifts are among the top-requested cosmetic surgeries, ranking as the third most popular aesthetic procedure performed in 2018. A breast lift, also referred to as mastopexy, is a surgical cosmetic procedure designed to raise and reshape sagging or deflated-looking breasts. It may also be used to adjust the nipples or areolas to create a more natural, aesthetically-pleasing appearance to the full breast. Changes in the breasts caused by pregnancy and nursing can often result in significant sagging over time. As a woman gets older, the effects of gravity combined with a loss of natural elasticity in the skin can also result in drooping breasts. A breast lift works to reverse these changes, restoring perkiness to the breasts and a more youthful overall body contour.

Dr. Verbin offers breast lift surgery as a stand-alone procedure as well as in conjunction with other surgical procedures when necessary to produce your desired results. The goal of a breast lift is to restore firmness to the breasts while raising their position on the chest to create a more youthful, full and natural appearance. As no two women are alike when it comes to their aesthetic concerns and goals, Dr. Verbin will work with you one-on-one to ensure he recommends the right procedure or combination of procedures that will yield the best possible results for you.

You may consider breast lift surgery at different phases of your life for a multitude of reasons. A breast lift, whether performed by itself or in combination with another form of breast enhancement, offers a significant improvement to the appearance of the breasts that can be very long-lasting. Dr. Verbin will take the time to understand your aesthetic goals and evaluate your unique concerns to determine whether a breast lift procedure is the best option for you.

You may be a candidate for a breast lift if you are experiencing any of the following:

  • You have breasts that sag or droop
  • Your breasts appear flat, elongated or deflated
  • Your breasts have lost their youthful volume and shape
  • You have stretched or enlarged areolas
  • One of your breasts sags lower than the other

As with any surgical procedure, it is essential that you be in good overall health, do not smoke and have realistic expectations for what a breast lift can accomplish for you. Ideal patients will also be within a reasonable range of a healthy, stable weight since weight fluctuations after a breast lift can change the results of the procedure. Most women find that it is optimal to delay their breast lift procedure until they are finished having children as pregnancy and nursing can alter your surgical outcome.

Dr. Verbin will consider all of these factors when creating your breast lift surgical plan to provide you with comprehensive results you are happy with for years. In some cases, he may recommend combining your breast lift with breast augmentation using implants or a breast reduction if your breasts are disproportionately large to achieve even better results. Breast enhancement procedures can be performed simultaneously, allowing you to achieve your full cosmetic goals with just one procedure and recovery process.

Your breast lift procedure will be performed on an outpatient basis within the fully accredited South Bay Aesthetics Outpatient Surgery Center. A breast lift will typically take between one to three hours and may utilize general anesthesia or local anesthesia, depending on your unique situation. There are a number of surgical techniques and incision patterns that Dr. Verbin may use for your breast lift surgery. The surgical approach that is best suited for you will be determined during your consultation based on factors such as the shape and size of your breasts and areolas, the degree of sagging present as well as the extent of correction you will require.

During your procedure, Dr. Verbin will place your incisions as discussed during your consultation, in which he will remove excess breast skin and move the breasts to a perkier and shapelier position. Your nipples and areolas may also be relocated to a higher location on the breasts or may be resized if they have become stretched or enlarged. Once completed, Dr. Verbin will meticulously close your incisions using a method that minimizes tension and ensures the incisions heal smoothly. External tape or glue will be placed over the area. A surgical bra will be placed on you to provide your breasts with ample support during the recovery process.

For cases where only a mild to moderate degree of sagging is present, only a single incision is needed to lift and reshape the breasts. This incision pattern is often referred to as the “donut lift,” or periareolar incision, as the circular incision is placed discreetly along the areola border. This technique is usually performed in conjunction with breast augmentation with breast implants to both lift the breasts and enhance their fullness and shape.

In cases where more severe breast sagging and excess skin is present, Dr. Verbin will likely utilize what is known as the “anchor lift” due to the incision pattern’s resemblance to the shape of an anchor. This technique involves three separate incisions: one around the border of the areola, one vertical incision extending from the bottom center of the areola down to the breast crease, and one horizontal incision along the underside of the breast, or inframammary fold. This surgical approach is often used on patients who are having a breast reduction procedure performed in conjunction with their breast lift.

A breast lift procedure will dramatically improve the shape, firmness and elevation of your breasts; however, it cannot significantly alter the size or projection of your breasts from the chest wall. If you have concerns regarding the fullness of your breasts or you desire more volume, you may wish to consider augmentation mastopexy, or a breast lift with breast implants, to increase breast fullness and improve the position of your breasts simultaneously.

Alternatively, if you feel that your breasts are too large, heavy or disproportionate with your frame, you may wish to get a breast reduction procedure, or reduction mammoplasty, at the same time as your breast lift. A breast reduction paired with a breast lift will yield smaller, lighter and more proportional breasts that appear more youthful and uplifted on your body.

A breast lift may also be a component in a mommy makeover, a combination of surgical procedures designed to restore a woman’s pre-baby figure. Since pregnancy and breastfeeding are both factors that can lead to drooping, sagging breasts, a breast lift may be performed in conjunction with procedures such as a tummy tuck, a lower body lift, a Brazilian butt lift or liposuction to achieve a variety of aesthetic goals in a single surgical session.

With a commitment to providing unparalleled technical skills to each patient as well as a keen eye for detail, Dr. Verbin will work with you to determine the best surgical plan for your needs. Rest assured, you will have plenty of time to explore your options and ask questions as you move forward to achieve your ideal figure.

You will spend a few hours in recovery with our attentive staff that will ensure you awake safely from the anesthesia. You will be free to return home afterward with post-operative instructions that include incision care and effective methods to reduce swelling to ensure you are comfortable for the first day or two. You will likely have a prescription pain medication to take home during that time, as well as an antibiotic to prevent infection. Most patients are pleasantly surprised to find they feel much better within a few short days of their procedure and are ready to return to many of their normal activities.

You will be encouraged to get plenty of rest for the first week of your recovery and avoid movements such as bending or lifting to ensure you heal properly. Most patients feel ready to resume their work schedule after about one or two weeks unless their job is particularly strenuous. It is not unusual to experience mild bruising and swelling for a few weeks, but this should not prohibit you from engaging in your daily routine. Residual side effects such as bruising or swelling after your breast lift can take some time to dissipate entirely; however, you will observe gradual improvements to the appearance of your breasts as your body recovers.

You will be required to wear a specialized surgical bra or compression garment for the first few weeks of your recovery to help aid in the healing process and keep your chest supported and comfortable. Strenuous activities such as exercise or heavy lifting will need to be avoided for about three to six weeks, depending on the rate of your recovery and Dr. Verbin’s recommendation. A majority of patients will feel comfortable enough to start wearing regular underwire bras again after about eight weeks of recovery.

Many women worry about what their scars will look like after their breast lift procedure. While your scars will begin to fade after two to three months, the full outcome will not be evident for up to a full year as lines fade and improve in appearance. Dr. Verbin takes extra care in breast enhancement procedures to ensure that your incisions lines will be well concealed within the natural folds and contours of your breasts. During the first few months of your recovery, it is essential to avoid direct sun exposure on your scars, as UV rays can cause them to have a more prominent appearance.

You will observe noticeable improvements to your breasts almost immediately after your breast lift procedure, with breasts appearing firmer, more uplifted and youthful. However, the final results of your breast lift will become apparent over the next several months as residual swelling subsides and your breasts settle into their new position on the chest wall. Most patients can expect to enjoy the full benefits of their breast lift surgery two to three months after their procedure.

The results you achieve from your breast lift are designed to be long-lasting. Your breasts should not reach their previous degree of drooping for many years. However, your breasts will still not be immune to the natural aging process or the unavoidable effects of gravity and time. You can prolong the outcome of your breast lift by committing to a healthy lifestyle, maintaining a stable weight and ensuring your new bras fit correctly to help support your breast tissue. If your breasts do begin to sag somewhat after many years, you may elect to undergo a revision procedure to restore the youthful shape to the breasts.

A breast lift, whether performed as a stand-alone surgery or in conjunction with other procedures, can significantly alter your breasts to create a more youthful body contour overall. With extensive experience in all types of breast enhancement, Dr. Verbin is highly qualified to work with you throughout your breast lift journey. Now is the time to schedule your in-person consultation with Dr. Verbin by contacting South Bay Aesthetics Plastic Surgery Center at 310-539-6500 today. Together, you and Dr. Verbin will work together to make your aesthetic vision a beautiful reality.

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