Thigh liposuction candidates are those individuals that have excess fat deposits and tight skin in the thigh area. The liposuction allows for the fat to be removed, and because the skin is tight and healthy, it is able to reform into its new shape and adhere into the new contour without sagging.
However, for those that need thigh contouring but also have excessive skin of the inner thigh area, liposuction alone is not enough. A procedure, known as a thigh lift, is needed to remove the excess skin, contour the fat and muscles below the skin, and suture the skin and muscle into a new draping that allows for a cosmetically attractive result.
The procedure is performed with two incisions made in the inner crease of each side of the groin. Once healed, the incision will hide well under bathing suits and underwear, but will be visible when nude. Through these incisions, Dr. Verbin is able to remove excess skin, fat, and redrape the skin into a better contour.
The procedure is performed as an outpatient surgery, and the patient returns home the same day of surgery. Post-operative medication controls any discomfort. Light activity can be resumed after one week, but heavy exercise must be avoided for an additional four weeks. Most patients take two to three weeks off of work for recovery.
Do you have questions regarding thigh lifts? Please feel free to contact our patient coordinator at 310-539-6500 or email her at