
Q & A With Real Patients

Q: Sientra: Textured vs. Smooth?

A: Textured vs. Smooth

Textured breast implants have shown less capsular contraction, and can provide a better over-all and softer breast. They can be placed above and below the muscle.  Round textured implants integrate better into the body. However, in a patient with a very thin chest wall, some visible rippling effects can occur, so if a round implant is preferred, a smooth round implant would give better results.

Shaped implants are textured, and do not have the tendency to ripple like the textured round.  Shaped (tear drop, anatomical) implants are my preference and is what I use for the majority of breast implant patients due to the advantages of a lesser chance of capsular contraction, better shape, and less issues or dangers of rupture and gel migration.

There has been no reported case of Sientra shaped implant rotation.