Tummy Tuck in Torrance, CA

A tummy tuck can do more than change how you look; it can also enhance your overall comfort and health. By addressing issues like weak abdominal muscles and excess skin, this procedure can improve your posture, help your clothing fit better, and support a stronger core. At South Bay Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery, our approach to tummy tuck surgeries is focused on addressing your specific needs and goals. We know that each patient’s body is unique, which is why Dr. Christopher Verbin provides different options that all aim for long-lasting results. We serve patients in and around Torrance, CA, and we look forward to serving you.  

What Is a Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty, is a surgery that can augment loose, stretched stomach skin and muscle. The procedure carefully and precisely removes excess skin, tightens muscles, and can reduce stubborn fat. Your results will include enhanced mid-body contours that can improve the look of your entire body.

The treatment is well-understood and your surgeon can easily tailor it to your specific body shape. A tummy tuck also pairs exceptionally well with other procedures that enhance the mid-section and the body for truly comprehensive results. For example, many patients frequently have liposuction with their tummy tuck to boost their contours and get the most from their surgery.

What Is the Tummy Tuck Process?

During your tummy tuck procedure, you will be placed under general anesthesia by experienced anesthesiologists for your comfort throughout the surgery. The operation typically takes place in our accredited outpatient surgery center. After the incisions are made, your abdominal muscles are tightened like a corset, which helps flatten the abdomen and correct issues such as muscle separation or hernias.

In abdominoplasty surgery, attention is given not only to the aesthetic appearance but also to the structural integrity and functionality of your abdominal area. After addressing the underlying muscle and tissue, the skin is sutured back meticulously, and we position scars below the bikini line where they can remain out of sight. To assist with postoperative discomfort, a pain pump infusion system, known as an Accufuser, is typically installed for the initial three to four days after the operation, which helps you in your recovery process.

What Are the Benefits of Tummy Tuck?

  • Restores Smooth Skin and Tight Muscles: One of the primary tummy tuck benefits is the restoration of smooth skin and tight abdominal muscles. This addresses the laxity and sagging that can occur with age, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy.
  • Reduces Stubborn Fat: Tummy tuck surgery benefits include the reduction of stubborn fat deposits that diet and exercise alone may not eliminate. This contributes to a more contoured and flattering abdominal profile.
  • Improves Skin Texture and Removes Some Stretch Marks: The improvement of skin texture is an often overlooked abdominoplasty benefit. Also, if you have stretch marks below your navel, these can often be removed depending on the amount of excess skin.
  • Repositions and Corrects the Belly Button: A significant benefit of the tummy tuck procedure is the repositioning and correction of the belly button, leading to a more aesthetically pleasing abdominal appearance.

Preparing for Your Surgery

A tummy tuck is a major surgery. To reduce your risks and boost your results, you can do several things in advance of your procedure to help ensure your desired outcome.

  • Smokers should quit smoking for six weeks before and after surgery. Smoking can negatively impact your healing incisions.
  • You must discontinue all blood-thinning medications and supplements prior to surgery to reduce the risk of excessive bleeding.
  • You will want to fill all your pain and antibiotic prescriptions before your surgery so that you have your medications handy when you return home.
  • Preparing your home prior to surgery will also be crucial. Having clean dressings, towels, entertainment items, and pre-made meals will allow you to focus on healing and boost your results.

Dr. Verbin will make it a top priority to make sure you understand how to get the best results possible through a successful recovery. He will spend ample time with you during your consultation and before surgery to ensure you have all your questions answered so you are fully prepared.

Your Tummy Tuck Options

Full Tummy Tuck

If you have a significant amount of loose skin to be removed, a full tummy tuck will better serve your needs. During your surgery, Dr. Verbin will make two incisions, one which extends beneath the navel and along the pubic hairline and another that travels upwards and encircles the navel; the second incision will allow Dr. Verbin to reposition your navel. After the incisions have been made, sufficient excess skin will be excised so that you can once again enjoy smooth, flat abs.

Mini Tummy Tuck

If you have less skin that needs to be removed, you may be a good candidate for a mini or modified tummy tuck that uses a shorter lower incision. A mini-abdominoplasty can still provide substantial benefits for patients who need less rejuvenation but still have unwanted excess skin that they would like to improve. Because a small incision will require less recovery time, you can also enjoy your results faster. Dr. Verbin can help you choose the best surgery for your goals during your consultation.

Recovery and Care Post-Surgery

Tummy tuck recovery will take time, but it is very manageable, especially if you are well-prepared in advance. Dr. Verbin will leave a single drain in place for the first week to help minimize excessive fluid build-up, and you will be required to wear an abdominal compression garment for the first four weeks. Both of these features will help make you more comfortable and increase your safety.

You should begin walking immediately after abdominoplasty surgery, and you will be encouraged to do light exercise after the first week. By staying mobile, you can help maintain healthy blood flow to your surgical areas and promote healing. You can plan on returning to work two to three weeks after your surgery. You should continue to avoid heavy exertion, however, for up to six weeks to avoid straining your incisions. Always listen to your body when undertaking new activities, and when in doubt, ask Dr. Verbin for his advice. He may ask you to come into the practice for a follow-up.

Tummy Tuck FAQs

In general, a good candidate for a tummy tuck surgery will meet most of the following criteria.

  • You have significant skin and muscle laxity in the abdominal area.
  • You have excess fat in your mid-section despite a healthy lifestyle.
  • Other treatments cannot give you the amount of rejuvenation you desire.
  • The physical appearance of your abs is a continual concern.
  • Sensitivity about your looks is limiting your activities, harming your relationships, or affecting your well-being.
  • You are comfortable having an invasive surgery.
  • You have the time to dedicate to recovery.
  • You have reasonable expectations about the results the surgery can provide.

However, the best way to determine if you should have a tummy tuck is to schedule an in-person examination with Dr. Christopher Verbin. Your consultation will accomplish several goals. First, it will allow you to explain your aesthetic goals and what you hope the surgery will accomplish. Second, it will allow your surgeon to examine the area of concern thoroughly and review your medical history. Afterward, Dr. Verbin can explain all your options in detail and answer any questions you may have about them. Finally, once you feel confident you have all the information you need to make your decision, you and Dr. Verbin can plan your course of treatment together.

The duration of tummy tuck results can last many years, as long as you maintain a stable weight and follow a healthy lifestyle. Factors such as future pregnancies or significant weight fluctuations can alter the outcome. Engaging in regular exercise and following a balanced diet will help prolong the results.

Yes, combining a tummy tuck with additional procedures is possible. A mommy makeover is a common combination of procedures that often entails breast augmentation or reduction, alongside either a full or mini abdominoplasty. This helps us resolve several issues simultaneously, offering a more complete transformation of your body’s contours and reducing the total downtime by combining recoveries.

Embrace a New You With Tummy Tuck Surgery in Torrance, CA

A tummy tuck can enhance your physical comfort and appearance by addressing loose skin, weakened muscles, and excess fat. It’s a comprehensive approach that can offer long-lasting results, reshaping your abdominal area for a more streamlined silhouette. If you’re considering this procedure, we at South Bay Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery are ready to assist.  Please reach out at (310) 539-6500 or fill out our online form.