
Q & A with Real Patients

Q: Gummy bear implants vs. Sientra implants A: Gummy Bear Breast Implants “Gummy Bear” breast implant is a popular term for form stable shaped breast implants.  There are three manufactures of breast implants FDA approved in the US and they all produce gummy bear shaped gel breast implants. I prefer to use the Sientra shaped […]

Q & A With Real Patients

Q: Is it possible to put 1800cc or more into your buttocks during a Brazilian Butt Lift? A: CC’s for Brazilian Butt Lift Yes, it is possible, if the patient is large enough and has a large enough buttock as well. I always try to transfer the optimal amount of tissue to the optimal tissue […]

Q & A With Real Patients

Q: Sientra: Textured vs. Smooth? A: Textured vs. Smooth Textured breast implants have shown less capsular contraction, and can provide a better over-all and softer breast. They can be placed above and below the muscle.  Round textured implants integrate better into the body. However, in a patient with a very thin chest wall, some visible […]

Best Breast Implant Warranty To Date!

October 24th, 2013 Written by Christopher Verbin, M.D. We are thrilled to have just received this information from the CEO of Sientra Silicone Breast Implants! Shaped breast implants (also referred to as “tear drop”, “anatomical”, and “gummy bear implants”) have never yield better shape and results in all my years of practice, and as of November 1st, 2013, Sientra stands behind their […]

Ultherapy Featured in the Wall Street Journal


August 8, 2012 Written by Jill Clark, Patient Coordinator The buzz for Ultherapy continues to grow!!! Check out the recent article in The Wall Street Journal regarding Ultherapy. For over a year, South Bay Aesthetics has used this non-invasive, skin-lifting and tightening technique for those looking to explore non-surgical options.  As a recipient of the […]

Dr. Christopher Verbin in SouthBay Magazine


August 8, 2012 Written by Jill Clark, Patient Coordinator Check out the latest issue of SouthBay Magazine and the feature on Dr. Christopher Verbin and South Bay Aesthetics!

New Study Shows Higher Satisfaction Rate with Board Certified Experts

July 12, 2012 Written by Christopher Verbin A patient looking to find a bargain on cosmetic procedures is nothing new. However, with the growing accessibility of the internet, finding deals has become easier than ever.  Popular sites and apps are making it as easy as pushing a button on your phone to receive rock-bottom prices […]

FDA-Approved Sientra Silicone Gel Breast Implants Arrive at South Bay Aesthetics


June 25, 2012 Written by Christopher Verbin South Bay Aesthetics is proud to be one of the first plastic surgery practices to offer the newly approved  Sientra Silicone Gel Breast Implants–a high-strength, state-of-the-art implant in round and shaped profiles, also known as the “gummy bear” implant! Catering exclusively to board-certified plastic surgeons, Sientra enters the U.S. market […]

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